Gold Membership

Why become a Gold Member?
GOLD MEMBERSHIP is a more intimate setting if you want to further your real estate education in a “mastermind” setting. This is a special exclusive group. These are people who know that money can be made investing in real estate in any market, boom or bust. They also know that the best education comes about when you have more frequent opportunities, large and small, to get together with other like-minded people who are really serious about becoming successful real estate investors. If you appreciate that the best chance for success is to meet and share ideas with people who are real doers, then Gold Membership is for you!
Regular Gold Meetings
As a Gold Member, you can join us at our private meetings. At these intimate meetings, we have local or specialized speakers educate you on the hottest topics of the day. Nothing is ever sold or pitched at Gold Meetings. Plus, with a smaller group, it is easier for you to ask questions and receive personal attention. Keep on the cutting edge of rapidly changing real estate news and strategies.
Private Dinner with our Featured Speaker
As a Gold Member, you are invited to have dinner with our featured speaker of the month at a private reception prior to, or after, our general meetings (subject to the Speaker’s availability). These receptions are a wonderful opportunity for you to spend time “up close and personal” with our featured speaker and ask them questions. Unique networking experience!
Free Entry to our Monthly Meetings
As a Gold Member, you will receive reserve seating at our monthly meetings, if requested. Many of our Gold Members believe this is the best feature of Gold Membership, particularly on those nights when the event is sold out and there is standing room only.
Beginners Boot Camp
As a Gold Member, you can attend our Basic Training Real Estate Boot Camp for FREE. In this intensive 8-hour Saturday class, you will learn the fundamentals of real estate investing and structuring deals. Everything you ever wanted to know about real estate investing, but were afraid to ask. The Boot Camps are scheduled regularly during the year. Be sure to RSVP in advance because these Boot Camps sellout.
Private Consultation with a LAC-REIA Executive
As a Gold Member, you will have an opportunity to a complimentary private consultation with an executive of the Los Angeles County Real Estate Investor’s Association. For those of you just starting out as real estate investors, these private consultations are invaluable. Pick his brain, ask questions, visit one of his rehabs, and learn the best strategies for today’s ever-changing market.
Private Mixers and Networking events
As a Gold Member, you will be invited to special mixers, networking events, book signings, and workshops we conduct exclusively for Gold Members throughout the year.
House Flipping Boot Camp
As a Gold Member, you will receive half-priced admission to an award-winning “House-Flipping Boot Camp” ($250 value). This two-day intensive seminar will introduce you to how to get started (1) finding, (2) financing, (3) fixing, and (4) flipping Houses. The Boot Camp is fantastic for investors interested in fixing and flipping houses.
Exclusive Access to Online Articles and Training
As a Gold Member, you will receive access to scores of articles and training in sessions that are only available on the Gold Member Section of our website.
Deals, Deals, Deals.
As a Gold Member, you will receive first access to wholesale deals that are offered to the Club. Here is your opportunity to get first crack at some really good deals without spending hours searching on your own or spending tons of marketing dollars.
Discounts on Real Estate Related Services
As a Gold Member, you will receive special discounts from many of our corporate vendors. Our vendors like working with our Gold Members because they know that they are the investors that are most likely to succeed.
Los Angeles County Real Estate Investor’s Association Gold Individual Membership
$497 / Year

Gold Individual Membership
Los Angeles County Real Estate Investor’s Association Gold Family Membership
$597 / Year

Gold Family Membership